Pre-cut Recoil Pad fits Benelli 12ga

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Benelli - Super Black Eagle 12ga Non-tactical, Wood Stocks/Synthetic Stocks, R1 Big Game Rifle, Synthetic Stocks, 12ga Non-tactical SBE 1, SBE 2, Sport I, Sport II, Synthetic Stocks, M-1 Field 12ga Non-tactical, Wood Stocks/Synthetic Stocks, Montefeltro 12ga - Sport II-bolt on, Wood Stocks, Nova, SBE I, II, Super Sport pop-in pad 12ga, Synthetic Stocks, Super Sport, MLI and Cordoba 12ga/20ga- Sport, Synthetic Stocks, 20ga Ultralight Satin Walnut with Weathercoat, Wood Stocks, Super Vinci with Comfort Tech Stock, Synthetic Stocks

Franchi - Verimax 912 12ga, Synthetic Stocks, Auto Composite 12ga, Synthetic Stocks, O/U Alcoine 12ga Wood Stocks, (some models)

Stoeger Most 12ga models, Synthetic Stocks

Baikal - Some models - check templates Stocks are not Standardized for Baikal